Neisse Network Mechatronics

Project goals

The project "Development of a cross-border academic network to support the formation of start-ups" targets on the creation and development of a cross-border academic network between the Technical University of Liberec and Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz as well as innovative regional companies and research structures to support the development of start-ups in the fields of mechatronics, automation technology, power engineering and energy management. The competences of both partners provide the basis for triggering start-ups and stimulating innovative companies in the surrounding region. A cross-border academic network will be created and developed between the Technical University of Liberec and Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz as well as innovative regional companies and research structures to support the development of start-ups in the fields of mechatronics, automation technology, power engineering and energy management. Particularly, the focus is on the transfer of know-how for the establishment of start-ups, which are able to identify working areas on relevant scopes, present on both sides of the border to be handled. The project makes a contribution to provide young students of engineering at Technical University of Liberec and Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, in cooperation with Czech and German companies, all required professional competences and social skills to disclose the chances and feasibilities for establishing a start-up within the border area. Furthermore, the project contributes to the reduction of organisational and cultural constraints regarding the cross-border mobility of students of both involved institutions.


Both, district Liberec and district Görlitz show structural lacks regarding the industrial value creation. There is a number of companies on both sides of the border, whose major business area is the ordinary production of goods, only. This leads to an emigration and permanent change of residence of young and academically well educated specialists towards the metropolitan areas of Prague and Dresden. Thus, there is a lack of academically educated specialists, who are able to establish new and innovative start-ups in the region of the Liberec and Görlitz districts. This causes a spiral of emigration and stagnating wages, which must be broken for the benefit of a strong, innovative and worth living area in the rural border region.

Project period

01.01.2018 - 31.12.2019